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Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme

Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme

The Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme is a collaborative program launched in 2018 between Imperial College London and Tokyo Institute of Technology. This programme is a weeklong, training camp-styleprofessional program that will bring together approximately 40 doctoral students from various disciplines from Imperial and Tokyo Tech for collaboration around the theme of the UN's 17 SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDG's). As getting involved in the programme, doctoral students are expected to improve their communication and collaboration skill and leadership through well-designed group works withintensive assistanceby the experienced coaches at Imperial and Tokyo Tech.

Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme 2019(go to the Imperial Collegewebsite)

Call for participants of Global Felllows Programme2019!< Application was closed in Feb. 2019>
In cooperation with Imperial College London, Tokyo Tech invites student applications for Imperial-Tokyo Tech Global Fellows Programme 2019 which takes place during 10-14 June, 2019 in London. Theprogrammetheme of this year is "Climate Action", identified as one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.Hosted by Imperial, participants will gather in London to develop the professional, research andcollaborative skillsnecessary to find workable solutions to climate change and its impacts. Through team discussions and interaction with researchers from different disciplines, development of collaborative research,participation in sitevisits, and poster presentations, Global Fellows will enhance their leadership and communication skills, further develop their interdisciplinary and intercultural awareness, and build professionalnetworks.

Following the programme, Tokyo Tech participants who have made arrangements with an Imperial faculty member may remain in London at their own expense for an additional three-week research placement withalab or group at the university.

Tokyo Tech doctoral students from across the Institute are invited to submit anapplication.

Detailed information
 Period:June 10-14, 2019 (5 days, excluding travel days)

 Venues: The Velodrome, Olympic Park, London and Imperial College London

 Accommodation:Hotel near the venue. In principle, two students will share a room.

 Number of participant slots (from Tokyo Tech):Approximately 20


  1.Tokyo Tech doctoral students and Tokyo Tech master's students who will enter Tokyo Tech doctoral programs in April 2019 . Students of all nationalities, departments and majors are eligible to apply.Theprogram is not open to those in non-degree or exchange programs at Tokyo Tech.
 2.In principle, applicants should not have participated in the Global FellowsProgramme previously.

 Application Deadline:Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 17:00

Please read the application guideline for more information (how to apply, expences, scholarship, course credit, etc).
 Application Guideline/募集要項:  English ver./  日本語版
 Application Form/申請書類:  Here
 Flyer/ポスター:  English ver./  日本語版

Eriko Kitajima
Student Exchange Group 1
International Student Exchange Division
Student Services Department
e-mail: intl.sgu@jim.titech.ac.jp
Tel: 03-5734-3433

Study Abroad Information Center
Room 405, South Bldg. 6, Ookayama Campus

Tokyo Institute of Technology | 2-12-1 Ookayama, Megurou, Tokyo, Japan